Wipeout Dementia

Dementia is becoming a wide spread health challenge around the world. Dementia is a brain disease, which decreases memory, emotions, motivation and language functions. Changes in the body can cause loss of brain function, such as diseases that affect blood circulation. In Alzheimer’s disease (most common type of dementia) little plaques of protien accumulate in […]

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QBC Man on Man

Queenscliff Boardriders Club(QBC) had their end of the year “man on man” competition. There was a nice little wind swell for the day and a lot of the top surfers from the club showed up to win.  The prestige of the “man on man” event is that it showcases the best competitive surfers in the […]

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Local Talent

A friendly face in the water and ladies man on the beach. Danny has been improving fast, making finals in the Volcom Pro Jrs and pulling reverses on the reg at seaside. He is creating his blog by marketing his charismatic character and energetic surfing. He’s off to bali for the summer and I’m gonna […]

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Local Talent

JD Lewis is emerging as the new “Cardiff Kid”. His surfing style has been bred from the reefs of suckouts and swaims to the beach breaks of georges and D street in the north county of San Diego.  JD is a freshly 21 years old and is standing out to be one of the top […]

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Local Talent

You might have been seeing Hunter Lysaught around the north county area lately and here is what he has been working on. This is his the first webisode of three in the San Diego area. hunterlysaught.com [vimeo https://vimeo.com/60169697 w=601&h=338]

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Surfing is back

I herniated a disc in my lumbar in January (again) and its been 4 months since Ive surfed. I’m starting to get my feet wet in April and have a few people to thank in my process of my healing other than my family and friends. I have had some great help and support from […]

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